Pieces of Sky

Pieces of Sky

‘Ultimate Reality is at once Absolute and Infinite, the source of all being, of all consciousness and of all life. Itself beyond form, it speaks to mankind through revealed forms, which while externally bound and limited, open up inwardly towards the...
Eternal Rhythms

Eternal Rhythms

David Sequeira is a storyteller. He weaves compelling narratives, sharing with his audience anecdotes and reminiscences that lead you into a world where art and life coincide. One story recounts his father’s purchase of a World Book Encyclopaedia just after arriving...
Etudes (for Josef Albers)

Etudes (for Josef Albers)

‘As basic rules of a language must be practiced continually, and therefore are never fixed, so exercises toward distinct colour effects never are done or over. New and different cases will be discovered time and again’. Josef Albers
David &

David &

Whilst I could talk about David Sequeira’s exhibition David & within the lineage of mail art and conceptualist practices, I think there is something more interesting in discussing the work as a personal challenge to one’s own methods through the dialogues...